Fothergill Park 2023 update

The initial works at our much-anticipated development at Fothergill Park, Abernant have commenced, and we are extremely excited to be able to provide an update on progress so far. As you may have noticed the reconfiguration of the entrance is well underway and following the completion of the gas diversion, we will be looking to re-erect the wall, pillars, and railings during the summer.

While the entrance works have been ongoing, we have established our compound on the main site, undertaken some site clearance and installed tree and wildlife protection zones in preparation for the phase 1 grouting works which are now underway and progressing well.

As the grouting and infrastructure works continue we will be busy working on the marketing information for the development and hope to be in a position to release the first phase of the development in late spring, with first occupations in the Autumn of 2024.

Over the past few months our website has also been having a facelift and will be re-launching in the early summer. The new look website will include a NEWS section where we will post regular updates on how our developments and in particular how Fothergill Park is progressing so keep a lookout on our social media feeds for the launch date.

WDL Homes